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By 8:48 AM

Lately, I've been scoping out some mugs for my tea in the morning. This is sort of funny, but I just really love mug designs. Such a variety. Fortunately, I didn't have to go shop for them. I actually just found

them in my house, and was pretty excited. I found a collection of white elegant mugs with a blue design in the middle of the mug. It's always great to have cute mugs to drink your morning wake- me -up drink in, ( tea is my morning drink:)).This mug was from Marshall's, according to the sticker on the bottom. It's not very big but big enough to my delight. I don't exactly like a lot of tea in the morning, and this mug's size allowed me to have a decent amount. 
The next mug was a single mug also from Marshall's. It's a nice white mug with orange and yellow flower designs. This mug is bigger and can hold more liquid. I like this design because it was colorful yet very fresh.
The last mug was in a collection, I have no idea where these came from but I know that they are the oldest of the mugs. I can remember my dad drinking out of these since I was little. They've held up nicely and show no signs of ware. But being this old, I can't imagine them still being in stores. These mugs are a dark navy blue. They are smaller than the single one, yet bigger than the white mugs. The size are more in between of the last two I mentioned. However, I do like these mugs. They are very sturdy and can last a life time if taken care of. They have more of a modern design to them, but are very nice. 
This post was sort of out of the blue, but I have been trying to find ideas for the weekly post, and after finding really cute mugs, I though I'd share my obsession with them:). 
Thank you for reading!


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  1. I didn't know you drank tea! Pretty cool- I honestly hate it, it left a bad taste in my mouth the first time I had it.

  2. I worked at Starbucks for 7 years and during that time aquired a ridiculous amount of mugs. I rotate through my collection so i figure as long as they're useful it's ok :)

  3. Hahaha!!!! Thank you for checking out my blog!

  4. Hey Chloe!

    Me again, haha. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Summer Rewind tag! Happy blogging! :)

