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Body Confidence

By 6:51 PM

Ello. I thought maybe this blog post would help many girls going through some of these problems. 
Many girls, or boys, go through a time in which they seem to lose all hope and no longer love their body. Plenty of girls I know feel so insecure in themselves, and it really is sad to know how badly they think of their body. Some girls may think really highly of their body, but others, not so much. Maybe some girls think really highly but don't like a part of their body (we'll call them betweeners). 
I posted a picture on instagram asking if anyone has any questions about their body and I got quite a few. I promised to answer them in this post, and so I will.

1. How to stay confident in yourself?

This question I thought I'd start out with because it gives me a chance to explain why we should all love our body from the bottom to the top. To stay confident in yourself, remember, it's your body. Whatever god you worship gave you this body and loves your body. If your skinny, between, chubby, short, tall, etc. You need to remember this is YOUR body, not anyone elses and you will be the only person to judge it. Maybe someone tells you you're fat. Most likely, you'll already know. This person may be insecure about their body as well, and the only way to make them feel better about themselves is to point out the all the little flaws in everyone else. Everyone all has their flaws, so why point out others. You should love who you are. Pick out the positives, your smart, beautiful, gorgeous. It's okay to think highly of yourself. If someone says your fat, but you think other, your judgement is the best judgement and do not let anyone else change that. You are perfect in your own special way, and everyone has their own special way.

2. How to stay healthy?

Staying healthy can be a big problem for some people. Many people can't take a day without a piece of cake. No need to worry. Another big part of being confident in yourself, is thinking you HAVE to be healthy. Sure, it's good to get your daily dose of grain, protein, fruit and veggies, but not everyone can. Remember, eat what you want YOLO. I did just say yolo. Haha. But if you are really looking for a way to keep healthy, here's a small guide. You need a grain (smallest portion of your meal) Protein (Bigger portion than a grain but smaller than fruit) Fruit (Fruit should be a larger portion than grain and protein but smaller than veggies) Vegetable ( LARGEST portion of all) and remember to drink about 3-8 glasses a day. Yes, I fail too, but that's okay. But you should be happy with the way you eat, if your not and you want to be a little more healthier, go for it! That's an awesome goal.

3. How to deal with haters?

Haters are people who think they need to point out everyone else's flaws to make them feel better about themselves. They do this to get power, but the best thing to do is ignore it. No sweat off your back.
However, haters can get so much power that they can affect your body.  How is that? You can stress eat until an unhealthy weight. You can stress so much, you could starve yourself. Or you can stress so much you being to get so many emotions, you could become depressed, and begin to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Remember, these haters are only out there to hurt you so they can feel better about themselves. Don't let this begin to get to your head. Some girls begin to feel suicidal or begin to cut themselves. This is not a good position to be in. If you begin to feel this way, talk to your parents, a teacher, a counselor, your best friend, a sibling, doctor, therapist, etc. If you are too shy to talk, write a letter and put it in a place they go a lot (bathroom mirror, pillow, bed, kitchen window, desk) If you feel like you can't talk to anyone, tell the person you feel most comfortable with. Someone who you can trust and you know will not judge you or put you through a rough time about it. It is okay to cry with this person. But the best thing to do is to not reply to this person, ignore him or her, get it out of your system.  It may be hard, but do things that make you feel good. (painting, reading, playing games, go out to the park,) Whatever you do best. But haters are fakers.

4. How to stay confident when you're not healthy?

This is more like 1 and 2 together. Take the guide on number 2 and try this if you begin to gain an unhealthy weight. But remember, you are perfect in your own special way. Someone out there loves all your little flaws, even if you haven't met them yet. Stay confident no matter what. If you do not feel healthy, some girls may begin binging and purging  (eating A LOT of high calorie food, eating so rapidly you can't even taste the food, or eating and then making yourself throw it up.) This is also not a good position to be in. Take number 3 and read this. This shows who you can talk to, or how to talk to them. But you must always be body confident. Love yourself, love who you are. It's the only body you have and you cannot waste it. Your body can do things you never imagined. Some girls think they are so unhealthy and they are so insecure, they begin to starve themselves, and sometimes exercise right on top of it. This can make you light headed, passed out, or even put into the hospital. Again, tell a trusted person who you can cry with, laugh with, be who you are with, and not be judged. The person who you are most confident with. But remember, your body is an amazing thing. 

5. How to stay positive when bullied/cyberbullied?

Staying positive through being bullied and cyberbullied is hard to do, but it is HIGHLY possible.
This is kind of dealing with haters (passage 3) Read this as well. Bullying and cyberbullying can have the same affects of hating. Again, tell that trusted person anyway you like. Write a note, email, text, talk to when no one else is around, whatever you like. But you HAVE to stay positive through these times. You may feel angry or sad or confused. You don't have to tell this person anything back, but if it continues, tell somebody. Forget this person. Think: what will happen if I do this to my body? I won't may not be able to reach my life long dream. I may not be ever to travel to the places I love. I won't see the people that have been with me through my life. Never give up. Get involved! Get involved in a sport, club, or do something that relieves your stress and emotions. I went through this time too, I created this blog and this post to help girls in need of advice for this time a well. It took my mind off of everything and I thought: "This is in the past. Why worry of this one thing when I have better things to do?" Remember, your body is yours, no one else's. You can judge it, no one else. Think of the positives of your body, even if there is flaws. So what? Everyone has flaws. Someone out there loves those little flaws.

Thank you for reading. This may help a lot of people. I wanted to do this, because I know everyone has a little insecurity, and needs a little help or advice. If you need advice, tell someone. Call a hotline. Remember that your body is amazing. Your body can take you places you've never dreamed of. Can do things you've always wanted to do. No one can judge you because they have flaws too, your judgement is YOUR judgement. Don't judge the negatives, think of the positives.
I hope this helps!
Thank you.

Chloe Elisabeth

(If you would like another one of these Q and As on another topic that would help several people, let me know in the comments.)

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  1. Hi there, Chloe. My name is Lily, I believe we're familiar acquaintances. We sat at the same Outdoor Ed. table. I think. Anyway, I like your blog. It's not bad, and I have a few tips. If you like, I can completely redesign it. I'm a coder/designer myself, and I think we'd make a good team. What do you say? And if not, I completely understand. But consider it, okay?

  2. Hey, Chloe. I finished up my portfolio, so you can check it out here- http://transportfolio.strikingly.com/ Enjoy it! You're mentioned in there, under my "Current Projects"
